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Dragonfly provides therapies, coaching and workshops to support individuals, groups and leaders to live more consciously in the present, becoming more connected to themselves and effective in life and work.


Dragonfly is a space of calm - and also of work- where we can become more aware of our real selves, breaking these cycles and living as whole people, authentically, and coming to the realisation that you already have all the tools to heal yourself. 


Hilton & Larissa Barnett

Life Coach & Reiki Practitioner 

Larissa Mulder-Barnett and her husband Hilton, draw from their own journeys and experience, building personal programmes and group sessions around applying core therapeutic principles and mindful practice.  


Larissa is a qualified Reiki practitioner and  does Ayurvedic massage . She has developed a range of hand-blended, Reiki infused chakra massage oils as well other massage oils that will enhance your self-care routine.​ Hilton brings 30 years of experience advising management, training in leadership and helping individuals.


At Breath Space Hilton is currently running a men’s group for meaningful conversations and growth. Larissa and Hilton are also going to be holding similar groups for men and women together – aimed at meaningful conversations to cut through barriers and stereotypes.


Larissa and Hilton are both writing books. Larissa’s is a story about conscious living that will appeal to children and adults. Hilton is writing a book for leaders.


They offer the following: Reiki Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Individual Coaching, Executive Coaching,  Leadership team workshops and retreats.


Join them on your own journey to healthy living in the present.

Hilton Barnett


One to three day workshops tailored to specific contexts and purpose​ based on:

  • Executive Business Planning

  • Shaping the organisation you need​

  • Individual Leadership Coaching​
  • Organisational Effectiveness Consulting​
  • Advice to small businesses as they grow larger
This is a place where you can create and grow from the real you within. Instead of numbing and suppressing emotions - we need to "lean in" to them so we can feel them, observe them and heal.  We have to let ourselves be vulnerable in order to be seen for who we are.

Individual Therapy

This is both an initial step of making sure we meet each other at the right place as well as being a journey that we take together through the whole process. Together we help you discover more of yourself at Breathspace.


Reflective listening and empathic understanding, integrated with personal practice - to access the abilities within and free from blocks.


Our work with you begins where you are. Using the key principles and framework described above we tailor-make a person-centered approach and discover together from there.


Group Work

​Our work with groups shares these principles and is built around different techniques and purposes.


These will consist of one or more of the following depending on the context:​

  • Experiences to enhance individual growth and confidence, sharing through vulnerability, in a safe space.

  • Creating communal experiences where meaningful conversations

  • can take place.​

  • Providing opportunities to practice skills and techniques in a safe space.​

  • Shared learning workshops focusing on particular topics.​

  • Communal activities providing opportunities for creative expression, physical exercise, presence in nature or giving to the community.

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